Select items from several estates & seniors downsizing combined into one great auction
Bid from anywhere at anytime up until Tuesday, November 5th - begins ending at 8:00pm
Gottlieb Pinball Machine, Antiques, Furnishings, Art, Glass, China, Collectibles, Shotguns & Rifles plus much more!
Sligh Grandfather Clock
Honda 5,000watt generator
Brenkert Vintage Theater Spot/Flood Light
Oak Curved Glass China Cabinets
Flat-front Oak China Cabinet
Oak Buffet
Round Oak Table & 6 Oak Chairs
Oak Record Cabinet
Tables, Stands, Commodes
Chestnut Dresser & High-back Bed
Stickley Cherry Pencil-post Bed (queen size)
Marble-top Lamp Table
Oak Roll-top Desk
Spinet Desk
Several Rockers & Chairs
Tile-top Tables
Ansonia Shelf Clock
Gilt French Portico Clock under glass dome
Royal Bonn 'Delft' China clock
Stickley Oak Shelf Clock (newer)
Welch Octagon Clock
Several Table Lamps
Oil Lamps
2 Miniature Ruby Satin Oil Lamps
Vintage Kitchenware
Set of Lenox "Daybreak" Dinner China
Set of Franciscan "Desert Rose" dishes
Cup & Saucer Collection
Hall Teapots
Carnival Glass
Pink Depression Glass incl. "American Sweetheart"
Hummel Figurines
Wade Porcelain Animals
Cast Iron Doorstops: Boxer Dog & Gnome
Gerry Metz painting
Fannie Mennen woodblock print
Robert Kennedy lithograph
42" TV
Hohner Accordion
American Beauty metal clarinette
Pottery Jugs
Roseville "Ferella" Vase
Hull Pottery
Pottery Shard Jardinaire
Oriental Carpets & Prayer Rug
Quilt Stand
Coca-Cola Tray - original
Pan-American Expo buffalo figure & pottery mug
Spoon Collection in display case
Cast Iron Toy Stoves
Knickerbocker "Pinocchio" jointed figure/doll
Aluminum Christmas Trees
and more than listed here........
Removal / Pickup: Thursday, Nov. 7 from 10am-6pm in Alden
Auctioneers/Brokers (716) 937-7493 [email protected]
Payment at pickup by Cash, NY check, Visa/MC.
10% BuyersPremium
All purchases must be removed at scheduled pickup date Thursday Nov. 7 10am-6pm unless being shipped.
Shipping available.
A $20 FFL fee will be added to all firearm purchase.
Do not bid on firearms if you cannot pass a federal background check(NICS)
All firearms are registered with Moyer Auction & Estate Co. on behalf of the estate. Purchasers must complete a federal background check (NICS) to complete any firearms transaction. Pistol purchases require a valid pistol permit. Moyer Auction & Estate Co. is a Federal Firearm License (FFL) holder and a New York State Licensed Dealer for handgun sales. Shipping is available, but all firearms must be received by a FFL dealer. It is the responsibility of the buyer to determine if a weapon is legal in their state. If you have questions please call our office prior to bidding at 716-937-7493