ending Tuesday, September 18 at 8pm
Contents from several area estates & seniors downsizing combined into one online auction
2003 Kawasaki Vulcan 800 motorcycle w/only 595miles
Hummel Collection Barber Pole Paintings Collectibles & Much More!
Catalog is up & open for bidding ~ online only bidding
pickup at our Alden building will be Thurs. Sept. 20 from 2pm to 6pm.
Over 50 Hummel Figurines
Costume & Fashion Jewelry
Waltham Pocket Watch
Marvy Revolving Barber Pole
Iron Dog Doorstop
West German Shelf Clock
Walnut Clock Shelf
Artwork by Marie Prince, Iva Turner, Shirley Rosenthal, K. Dennison, J. Metzler, Eleonora Hinds, & others
Lithographs & Framed Prints by Eric Mohn, William Waite, & others
Drop-leaf Table
Mission Oak Rocker
Indian & Oriental Rugs
Black Bear-skin Rug
Slag-Panel Table Lamp
Oil Lamps
Old Books
Vintage Movie Poster
Hunting & Fishing Books
Holt Howard Salt & Pepper and Oliver Jar
Decorative Items
Glassware, China & Pottery
Vintage 5gal. Oil Cans
L.L. Bean Wooden Skis
Electric Meat Slicer
Beer Signs & Tap Handles
Nascar M&M's womans jacket
Coleman 2500watt gas generator
Comfort Glow propane wall heater
Wooden Tool Boxes & tools
Painted Hand Saws
Drill Bits
Bundy Trumpet & More
Hummel Collection & decorative items from a Niagara Falls estate,
Antiques & Desirables from Bud Steeb estate in Rochester
Artwork & collectibles from Williamsville seniors downsizing plus others.
Removed (awaiting duplicate title): 2006 Buick LaCrosse w/ 40K miles
(716) 937-7493 [email protected]
Pickup of purchases: Thursday, Sept. 20 from 2pm to 6pm. at our Alden building
Payment at pickup by Cash, NY check, Visa/MC.
10% BuyersPremium