featuring Toro Dingo TX1000 with less than 200hrs.
selling over 300lots of all furnishings, appliances, antiques, decorative, household, handbags, lawn & garden, shop tools & more in easy online auction that begins ending at 8pm! Click on "View Catalog" button above to see all that is selling & bid your price!
Furnishings: Ethan Allen cherry dining room set; Ethan Allen & Durham cherry bedroom sets; Oak bedroom set; Ethan Allen sectional sofa; Ethan Allen leather recliner; E.A. stands; nice Basset kitchen set; rugs, 40" & 46" TV's; stereo components; oak office desk with hutch top; oak lateral file cabinet; Ethan Allen leather office chair; oak 3sect. stack bookcase; desk; decorative pictures & wall mirrors; Dooney & Bourke and Kate Spade handbags; Whirlpool washer & gas clothes dryer; sm. chest freezer; Ludwig drums; porch & patio furniture; natural gas grill; kitchen contents; decorative items; antiques, household, Christmas decorations; & much more.
Tools & Shop: Toro Dingo TX wide-track mini loader w/bucket, pallet forks; trencher & hitch plate, 1owner w/less than 200hrs., just dealer serviced & new battery; 2015 6 1/2' x 12' open landscape trailer; 5 1/2' x 7' open utility trailer; 3 1/2' x 4' open utility trailer; White riding lawn mowers; rototillers; snowblowers; gas generators; blowers & trimmers; wheelbarrows; lawn & garden tools; woodworking tools; Craftsman table saw; radial-arm saw; nice Hobart wire-feed welder on cart; torch set; air compressor; bench grinder; shop & mechanics tools; cabinets & shelving; ladders; scrap metal; 2 sets of tires; new Generac electric panels; Briggs parts; & much more.
Preview: by appointment
Pickup/Removal: Thursday, Oct. 6th by scheduled appt. between 9am & 6pm from the home in area of Shimerville & Roll Rds.
AUCTIONEERS & BROKERS (716) 937-7493 [email protected]
Payment at pickup by Cash, NY check, Visa/MC.
10% Buyer's Premium
NYS Sales Tax as required, Erie Co. rate is 8.75%
All purchases must be removed at scheduled pickup date Thurs. Oct. 6 by scheduled appointment unless being shipped.
Shipping is available & handled in-house.
Please add [email protected] to your email contact list to prevent emailed invoices & notices from going to spam/junk folders.
The auction will close at a rate of 5 lots every minute. This auction features extended bidding. Moyer Auctions online auctions are timed events and all bidding will close at specified time, however, our auctions have an 'Auto-Extend' feature.
Any bid placed within the final 5 minutes results in the bidding on that lot automatically extending by 5 minutes. The bidding will extend in 5 minute increments from the time the last bid is placed until there are no more bids and the lot sits idle for 5 minutes.
This allows all bidding parties the opportunity and no one to be outbid in the last seconds without having the opportunity to bid again - just like a live auction.